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Our desire has always been to plant churches, make disciples, and see people transformed and set free by the power of God in unreached villages. The need among the indigenous people groups in Mexico is huge!

We are Brad and Jenny Nelson. We live and minister to indigenous people groups in the mountains of southern Mexico in the state of Guerrero with our two children, Selah and Noah. The people live and have lived in remote villages and small towns scattered throughout the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains for decades. They speak different dialects, their culture is different, their mindsets are different and they even govern by their own laws. Their villages can have 50-600 people with little to no gospel, especially in smaller villages. We focus most of our efforts on the villages with little to no gospel, pioneering and planting Christ’s church.






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We believe that God wants and loves these people just as much as anyone (John 3:16) so our vision and purpose is simple, and we want to keep it in line with God’s purpose and perfect will. We preach the gospel to the lost. Some of the ways we evangelize are going door to door sharing the gospel, showing the Jesus film in their dialects, and handing out bibles & tracts. The goal is to make disciples and raise up national workers and leaders to reach their own people by working side by side with them and being shepherds to them. As their faith grows, we can expand the work by extending out into more remote villages (2 Corinthians 10:15), replicating the work so there are strong established churches planted throughout the mountains of Guerrero, Mexico and Jesus is glorified!

Meet the Team


Brad Nelson

Brad was born and raised in Pensacola, FL. After graduating from high school, Brad’s lifestyle mostly consisted of partying with no real goals in life other than living for the weekend parties. In 1996, at the age of 21, Brad finally grew weary of that lifestyle and without any knowledge of the Bible and God, he started to seek for truth. After being invited to the Brownsville Revival in his hometown of Pensacola, FL, Brad gave his life to Jesus and was radically saved at the Revival. After one year of being saved, he enrolled at the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry. During his studies there, Brad’s heart began to stir for missions. After graduating from the school of ministry, he felt led to go work with a ministry in central Mexico that plants churches within the indigenous people groups in Mexico.


After spending some years in the US, Brad met and married Jenny and moved to Mexico full time in September 2016 to continue pursuing the call. He has 2 kids (Selah & Noah) both born in Mexico. He resides in southern Mexico ministering to indigenous people in the mountains where he and his family are currently serving.


Jenny Nelson

Jenny has been a missionary since early 2012 after leaving a comfortable life in Austin, TX to pursue her passion for Jesus and His calling to share the gospel in hard to reach areas. She completed missionary training and finished Spanish language school in early June 2013. As Jenny waited on the Lord for her foreign field assignment, she obeyed His request to fill the role of administrator for a Texas based ministry from late 2013 through July 2015.


In December 2014, Jenny met Brad while on a mission trip to Mexico where the Lord knit their hearts together. After marrying Brad one month after meeting and expecting their first child, Selah, the following December, Jenny finally got to move to Mexico in fulfillment of all God had brought her through. That first year of marriage and expectation was so lovely, but many hardships were to come to Jenny and her family after moving to Mexico.


While serving by Brad’s side in Mexico, Jenny would experience many difficult challenges that only the Lord would bring her through. Illnesses. Holding her dying infant son, helpless and desperate. The death of a beloved boy in the village she serves. It is only by the grace of God that she has stayed on the mission field, standing firm, for the love of the Shepherd and the sheep.


Now with her husband and children, Jenny serves faithfully and prayerfully in the work of the Lord in the mountains of Guerrero. She loves the people deeply. It is what keeps her pressing forward. She loves Jesus more, and that keeps her unmoveable. 


We are Brad and Jenny Nelson. We live and minister to indigenous people groups in the mountains of southern Mexico in the state of Guerrero with our two children, Selah and Noah.


Our desire has always been to plant churches, make disciples, and see people transformed and set free by the power of God in unreached villages.


Brad, Jenny, Selah, and Noah. A family of four sitting in a green field.


4771 Bayou Blvd., #224

Pensacola, FL 32503


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